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Monday, June 21, 2010

digitally mastered

When my brother was a kid, one of his bedroom walls was covered with a huge, grainy, black and white photograph of a 747 on a tarmack. The graininess of the photo created an almost pixelized design up close, but from a far {10 feet back} it almost felt as though you should have a lighted baton in each hand, directing the plane to the gate.

I was always a little envious that he had such cool walls and it has forever sat in the back of my mind {the internal design lab portion of my brain} as a, someday-somewhere-I'll-use-this, idea.

I have no idea where my father found that gigantic poster/wallpaper, but in the mid - 70s I don't think it was being digitally produced and most likely wasn't something easily accessible outside of the trade.

These days most digital print shops will recreate any image you give them on to paper or even canvas. For those a little timid about swathing the entire length x width- an enormous canvas can have great impact.

I keep thinking about the Eames 'House of Cards' . Some of those would be really fun on a playroom wall. If not used as wall covering, try them as a triptych using huge digitally printed canvas.

How about this one....

makes my skin crawl a little but perfect for a science lab.
Palate cleanser......

above photo:: Jeffrey Hirsch for New York Social Diary

One of my favorite boy's rooms is that of the son of photographer, Pieter Estersohn. Estersohn used one of his own photographs of a temple in India, digitally blown up, to create this stunning room.

The room itself is quite small yet the impact and depth of the photograph, visual creates space. The subject is so elegant, couldn't you see this in an woman's dressing room?
photo credit:: Pieter Estersohn

A few technical details: original images need to be at least 150 dpi and the cost runs around $5.00 per square foot.

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