wow, what a whirl wind trip that was. 72 hours and I'm back from Blog Out Loud NYC- so filled with inspiration and blog love. GOD I love the world of social media { I'm like a girl with a crush, all dreamy and happy }
After taking the red eye Saturday night, getting into my friend's apartment and taking a quick nap, I was awoken by TartanScot's text message, 'wake up!'
A quick run of the comb through the hair, wash of the face, reapply of lip-age, it was off to Sunday Brunch at The City Grill on Columbus followed by, Gelato in Central Park {he} a street vendor hot dog with kraut {me} and an attempt to wade through the mayhem that was the Puerto Rican Parade. Already, 2pm and we realized it was time to run 'home', ready ourselves, and reconnect for the NYC design tweet up, organized by the BKYLN Contessa and held at the Cooper Square Hotel { a beautiful little boutique inn check it out}
The very adorable Jessica Schroeder of What I Wore blog, with Scott and me.
The evening ended early with a meal at the Fatty Crab {some of the best flavors to be had in the city}
After running around Monday, grabbing up all of the loose ends {wine, fruit from the Union Square farmer's market } for the impending event, we headed over to the very cool space of Tonefarmer
{ I just kept fantasizing about living in this space. Isn't it so great ? } ........................ 7:00 pm .................... Goody bags filled, wine poured, seats set up, Rebecca and I were ready for the guests and panelist to arrive.
The interesting thing is how each of these events have taken on a unique personality. Every event that we've thrown has been so inspirational and filled with new friends and each, in its own sense, just amazing, but it's the panelist and the audience that really create, the true spirit of Blog Out Loud. This group was smart, witty and so saavy.
Bite sized decadent treats were donated by Brooklyn based, Fanny & Jane these are Red Velvet bites dipped in chocolate. { Uh, what? That's just ridiculous. }

The panelists: Meredith ebay's The Inside Source Amy abcd Design, Michelle When I Grow Up Coach, Rebecca Loving.Living.Small (moderator & Blog Out Loud co-creator/partner), Me , Alison Teenangster/etsy Storque & Erin Design For Mankind.
It was like musical chairs, 'grab a seat so you're sure to nab a swag bag folks!' we ended up with standing room only attendance -thank you, to those in the way back.

Join us on facebook, twitter etc, let us know where you'd like to see Blog Out Loud happen next and if you'd like to become a partner/sponsor in our upcoming Blog Out Louds, give me a shout.
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