I really can't believe it's Memorial Day already. Here's to beach days, bbqs, 3 day weekends and remembering those we love. Now go out there and, grill baby, grill.....
.: news time magazine :.
and of course, the famous Blog Out Loud SWAG bags - details to come. Interested in contributing to the SWAG bags? email me for more info.
Actually that's not true I think each one of these interior shots offers some little tidbit of inspiration whether it's the Rose Cummings navy "Zebrine" wallpaper (which I've always loved)
the always great, China Seas, 'Aga' wallpaper which looks great, paired with, what I believe is La musardière By Manuel Canovas (if I'm wrong, let me know) love the pinks, greens and dark brown together.
...............................................................................................................................................We interrupt this post with a late breaking report. Reader 'Cyn' has just informed me that this is HER house! Luck. She has told me that the toile is Quadrille's Paradise Garden { she, of kindred design spirit, is a big Quadrille fan } I'll let her tell you a little more...
or the ikea chair that looks chic and not cheap simply by adding a great pillow (beauty on a budget y'all)
You can almost smell the impending rain storm, hear the music playing on the road trip and feel the movement of the waves.....
There were so many great shots on her site, I had a hard time narrowing it down to these. Check out her site for more. *here*
I'm also very proud to be in such great company of other bloggers in these publications: Paris Hotel Boutique, Aphro Chic and, the Australian, Vintage Beach with me in Romantic Homes.
Happy weekend, to all. I'll be hosting yet another slumber party. We'll call this one, "12 x 12" Twelve, twelve year olds who better be asleep by 12:00
also, I have to give some big ups to my friends over at the online magazine, Nesting Newbies for getting out another fantastic issue. And I'm so super flattered that they asked me to be a part of this issue!
Of course, there's Clarence House's Flowering Quince. The grande dame of all these branchy organic looking prints.
and then there's the Urban knock off of the print {which I'm not sure is available anymore }
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thx thx thx.- a thank you note a day, is Dietrerich's blog, based on her mother's directive to always write thank you notes.
" Oh--also? I had a conversation with a stranger while in a public restroom stall.
thank you for that. I'm still sitting at stoplights, guffawing aloud when I think of it.
dare I ask.....what do you think of the new header?