I'm so lucky to have West Third Brand product to give away once again....wait, scratch that. YOU'RE so lucky ( I get no kick backs, I'm just the harbinger) as one of you, luck-outs, will win a bottle of their Octobery smelling room + body spray: Vanille de Santos from the Société de Senteurs Home & Body Spray line.
What does 'Octobery' smell of, you ask? hmmm.... maybe of the mysterious intrigue of the Vanilla Orchid Flower (aka the Saint Vanilla Flower ) layered with a labyrinth of Jasmine, White Lily & subtle hints of Exotic Patchouli & Clove. Also so poetically named, 'Vanille de Santos'

Mysterious AND alluring it is said to be. Like the long, cool, harvest moon lit nights of October no less.
What better way to make your home or self (even more) alluring in the winter months. ok, all you all, give me your comment as your entry. Tweet this post and I'll enter you twice. You've got nothing to lose and home spray to gain.
small print:: Give away ends, Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 11:00 pm PST and will be announced on Wednesday, October 20th, 2010. Your winning scent will be packaged and sent with great care. However, if for some odd reason, it gets damaged during
shipping, please don't lose your mind and dignity by chewing me out. It's all in good fun.
hugs and kisses, Xs and Os. I Finnish with this, 'Onnea!'
As they say at West Third -"Live, Love et Luxe"
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