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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

home work :: home office desks

I think because of our unseasonal, seasonal weather { wasn't I just wishing for this the other day? }  the gray and the rain is making my brain mold over a bit. I can't seem to put two words together, much less have a linear thought. So bear with me as I take you through the rabbit warren that is my brain today....

I came across this desk today on Chicago based, Post 27.

I shouldn't like it so much, because it reminds me of getting called up to desks that looked just like this for much of my grade school years { based on my distracting quality of being 'overly social with my neighbors' something I would later pass along to my youngest } But I do like it, maybe it's because sitting there behind it, I would feel like I was on the other side of the law. Or maybe because it's just a cool, industrial looking behemoth desk (the likes of which would never fit into my tiny house)

the color of this one  is pretty great {above}

but my reality has always been something along the lines of this, {below} something make shift in a little corner space. Which is charming, with it's tower of books, Alan Campbell +  Roberta Roller fabrics it's not too far off from what I'm writing this from .

 oh! but then I see a shot of that famed, Hollywood glammed up Mary Mcdonald office, shot for Domino. With all of its icy blues and sugary white detailing. And I sigh.

or this, below,  lacquered +  gilded office {whose is this? I can't remember now}

 But my reality, goes back to something a bit more utilitarian {although never this organized. if only...} via elle decor

 This one { below } struck me as something easily and somewhat, inexpensively attainable. You can find those glass saw horse desks (ikea's Vika for $109.00) , the stand alone shelving with painted inside to work with the paper.... and even the wallpaper (note the ceiling had been done as well) for a fairly cheap price.

oops, but then a few more hops and I stumble across this, Shaw Walker executive's desk from the 20s. I'm telling you my brain is like a broken windshield wiper today, from fine boned elegance to big bad tanker. back and forth in the rain. never really clearing my line of sight completely.

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