In the past few weeks I've managed to take my richly colored home and turn it into a light, white, soothing, box of tranquility. Gone are the Taper Green walls and in their place Paladium Blue. It was time to lighten things up around here.

Gone are the dark, Clarence House, Greek Key inspired drapes and in their place,
that fabric everyone went out and bought from Calico Corners {more on that later}

But the biggest change was what I spent last week doing, PAINTING THOSE FLOORS WHITE. actually it's a very pale gray, 'Vapor Trails' (this sample is completely inaccurate)

yes, you of uncouth manner. You who has told me in more ways than one, how boring you find me ..... you should probably get off the train now. Because I'm about to write an entire post on one of the things for which you find me to be the most boring. For the rest of you, who have been dropping me little messages of inquiry and urging via email, twitter and facebook- here we go......
I really didn't know what product to use. Oil? More deck paint? Somebody sent me a paint name that she had found in a magazine. But being in L.A. or rather, California, I was unable to buy it, as it was oil based and restrictions and blah, blah.
So then, I was looking at my blogger friend,
Camila's site and noticed she was planning on painting her floors~ ah! pick the brain of another blogger. The best way I know, to get good DIY info.
Camila, told me about 'Break Through' paint.

Immediately called the paint store up the hill and they were able to get it in for me on Wednesday.
This was such an easy project and the total cost for 2 gallons + some rollers, was around $100.00. I did it solo- Nick doesn't have much interest in these projects, and honestly, I sort of get yelly- so it took about 2 and half days to do three rooms and one long hallway.
The paint I have down on the floor, is a deck paint that I bought at Sherwin Williams about 6 years ago. I didn't sand it and I think because of the wear and tear, the new paint adhered pretty well. There were a few areas, where the sheen was still on, and I noticed a bit of bubbling. not so good. So if you have any sheen to your floor, I'd suggest sanding it lightly. Also, I cut around the edges by hand first and then began to roll. No taping. easy peasy.
I started in the kitchen, since I figured, that we would need that space back in working order the soonest. Actually Nick did help me haul the table out. and the fridge which, if you haven't cleaned under your fridge in 3 years, you should probably stop reading this and go right now, roll it out and check out your new collection of: dried cheese pieces (or plastic not sure which) baby barrettes, photographs, wads of dog hair from a dog no longer living, a syringe with needle attached (from fore mentioned dog's insulin) a ring from the dentist,'s like being on a dig.

all of the furniture pushed toward the middle of the room.

back to the painting. I probably did it the hardest way possible, because this is how I do everything. And because I did it solo. I moved what I could as far to one side of the room as I could and painted.

kinda felt like a hoarder.
This stuff dries so quickly, that after about an hour you can put down another coat and within 2 hours, move everything back on to that area. And so it went, moving everything back and forth and painting. I ended up leaving the last for the next day....

smart: paint with white paint while wearing black. also smart: put self tanner on and then climb into your bed with white sheets.