If you haven't received the latest issue of Garden & Gun....it's a great one. The cover features designer/blogger, Rachel Halvorson {who's 26, really talented and...stunning. god is good people}
Among the handful of young, shiny new faces of Southern style is artist Shelley Hesse, who creates these beautiful ocean animal themed watercolors :
Hesse, partnered with anthro to create a Spiny Lobster rug based on this painting-found hereMake sure to have a look at the other featured creatives. It's a great round-up. And if you're new to G&G don't let the name scare you. It's a beautiful magazine, celebrating the Southern life style. It's full of great photography, well written articles, some very 'Southern' food|drink recipe and always a good dog article thrown in .
**Update:: embarrassed to say, that I didn't realize my blogger friend, Stylecourt is a contributor to this feature. Courtney is responsible for introducing us to New Orleans designer and artist, Melissa Rufty and Shelley Hesse. Thanks Courtney, you always have treasured finds.
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