My i-pad, has been keeping me great company. Between answering emails and playing 'Draw Something' with an old friend who lives in Japan, I've been scouring the fashion blogs. I don't know why. Not really my genre nor blog niche. I think because it's a great way to disassociate when I'm not feeling my A game (which is counter intuitive, now that I think about it). It's a great way to dream a little dream of a life filled with fashion weeks and comped clothing.
Anyway, as I sat in my sweats, scrolling image after image, I came to this realization: I need these 2 following 'pieces' for Spring . (well, a realization but also the reality that I'm the perfect pawn in the world of marketing ). I've become totally convinced that my life won't be nearly as good without a pair of Isabel Marant kicks.

I know, what you're thinking. I thought the same at first glance. But these aren't at all like L.A. Gear.
First of all, they have an 'internal wedge'. So I can Dudley Moore myself out. And they come in an array of colors.

I'm telling you, if you spend two hours barraged with images of long, lean models/actresses rushing through airports or pushing baby carriages while wearing these, you'll be convinced you need them too. ( You may or may not even go on ebay and consider the Chinese knock-offs. But think better of it for moral reasons because you know, that they probably were made in the exact same, factory which probably employs 9 year olds who are made to work 22 hours a shift. )
Oh and also the real things run around $680.00 give or take a hundy. (waiting for Zara to knock these off, please) down side, nobody in my daily world would really appreciate these. Sometimes, being fashion forward requires a well versed audience or else the whole thing falls on flat.
Next up on my, fever induced, 'Must Have for Spring' check list is this beautiful bag of perfection - and we all know that a shot of highlighter neon is a must-have this season - is the mini Celine Luggage Tote in neon pink. I mean, it's obvious, this bag is beautiful. If pink's not your thing, there are several other brights from which to choose.
Or of course there's the less trendy and classic larger version in a neutral.

..........and don't think that I don't have the J.Crew knock off sitting in my shopping cart as we speak. Because, although it's no Celine, the Tillary Tote is beautiful on its own and looks like it smells leathery delicious.
but back to that little version in a hot pink. It would look awesome with my Isabel sneakers. Or even the orange would be good.....
It's pricey, I don't even know how much, but it doesn't matter because I hear it's sold out.
Here's what else I've decided.. I'd like the fashion bloggers to stop calling their sunglasses 'Sunnies'. I get it, it's supposed to sound, "little girl playing dress up". But maybe that's why it bugs so bad. Why aren't they referring to their shoes as 'shoesies'? It's sort of the design blogger equivalent of 'Chandie'. I do like this girl's pantsies though. And she looks like she'd be fun to hang out with.
This person is very, very famous among this set because, "she is just so so cool" according to one blogger. I know that I'm totally out of the fashion loop because I've never even heard of, Christine Centenera. But she's on every last blog I sifted through. They love her.
(update: I just googled her, she's the fashion editor at Harper's Australia. So she's not only just so cool, she has a cool job. )
What else...oh, I'm still not feeling the whole...Navajo thing- or what's the p.c. thing to call it ? Anyway, I hear that a bunch of the fashion bloggers have boycotted UO for 'exploiting' the Navajo Nation and appropriating a culturally offensive and racist, line of fashion. Which sort of sucks for them, because where will they go for their Kimchi and Blue, summery dresses?

I like this whole pointy stud thing on accessories. It's sort of interesting. It helps when you go for the Hermes version and then mix it with a little Cartier. I may try to work a version of this look in.

I'm liking this Leather Sleeve, mixed materials look. But being that we're all supposed to be looking at mint green pants (and anything else in that 'colour way') I may have missed the boat.
In other news, Kate Moss is 38 - as of January. Which to me is the same as, "she's almost 40". This makes me happy in a way that only an over 40 year old woman can understand. And , it should be a reminder to all of us, that no beauty product is going to make you look young. It's all about the genetics. This girl is living proof that you can wreck yourself nightly, smoke packs of Parliments all day long .......and with good genes, look just as good at 38 as you did at 28. (almost. The eyes don't lie.)
I love Jenna Lyons. I love these, color-blocked Celine pants with all my heart. I love her key fob hanging off her belt look. I love her top buttoned jean jacket with the layered wool coat worn cape-style. I love that she kind of looks like a man in some shots and yet manages to look incredibly chic all the while.
These, Maurie & Eve 'Bowie' shorts?

In case you were in the dark, as was I, They are highly sought after and even 'coveted' by many a blogger and, alas, completely sold out.
I think that's it for me and my fashion observations. I feel a nap coming on.
Thanks to the following fashion blogs for schooling my sweat pant wearing ways.
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