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Wednesday, June 15, 2011


My friends, W+R always have something new that I haven't seen before going on in their beautifully designed home. Both are incredibly creative and everything they touch, every meal they construct, every party they throw, is just a magical feast for the eyes and the soul. Here are a few snaps I took while snooping around on Sunday. I hope they don't mind that I post these, but I'm not sure they read my blog.

First up, is this DIY art work. The couple found this vintage roll of wallpaper at a garage sale and decided to create a large piece of art from it. They began by gluing it to a prestreched canvas but when, W. realized she hadn't laid it just right, and tried pull it up to fix it, the paper tore.


In the true spirit of DIYers, they went about making a mistake into something better. by cutting and pasting the pieces in to a crazy quilt type pattern the art took on playful pattern. R then created a thin, dark stained wood frame ( The piece is titled, 'Oh Fu@k it!'......in case you were wondering. )

2 + 1 = 3 in October. So they've been busy hanging pieces that have been sitting down low and creating a gallery wall with plates and trays. Read: a creative persons guide to 'baby proofing'

Out back, R gave W this really cool, felt Woolley Pocket, wall garden for her bday last fall. I hadn't seen it filled in until the other day. It looks so great and it's the perfect answer when you're short in space, can't have something down low (kids and male dogs) or just have a view of a wall that could use a little life. 

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