Note to my friends with younger children:: this 'sMother' thing you're doing ? Will
come back to emotionally maim you + bite you in ass when they get older.
For the past two days, the girls have been home for the holiday. After 9 and 12 years of life,
they're completely capable of getting themselves a glass of water,
something to eat , finding a lost headband...ENTERTAINING themselves.
You would think.
But in the early days, I was so good at being at their beck
and call, they truly do not think they are capable of anything - or maybe don't
want to be (what sane person would turn down their own personal, lady in waiting ) .
So, this means that every time I try and sit down at the computer, take
a business call or do anything that might possibly NOT include taking
care of, or entertaining them... I hear the baleful caw of the baby
bird at the bottom of the stairs , 'mmmMMMAAAAWWM'?
Thus I'm getting very little done. What I don't sound thankful? Thankful
that every day I wake up knowing that I have two beautiful girls who
are healthy, strong, considerate, creative, loving and good thinkers? I
am. More than you can imagine. This mothering thing, was truly a gift I probably didn't deserve on a lot of levels, and one that I never take for granted. Ever.
Sure I get irritated fromtime to time ( and, you would too if someone asked you where the
butter was....um, did you look in the fridge? no, can you? ) but I know
that my time is very limited with them. Before I know it, they'll want
little to do with me and it will be I who starts calling and bugging
them. I have a lot to be thankful for. So, Happy Turkey Lurkey day.
It's really all about this gratitude thing, this gravy of life.
I found these lovely little thanksgiving Thank Set over at my friend Audrey's blog, parcel post. They're hand created by the aptly named....Simple Song. I think these, or your own version of these, would be a great bonus to the holiday table this year......
write down your thanks and hang it from the chandeliers.
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