Adventure Birding – "Bird news and trip reports from the good folks at the Adventure Birding Company," by Jake Mohlmann, John Yerger, and Keith Kamper in Tucson, Arizona (May 2008) Afield in Oklahoma – by Eric Beck in Oklahoma (November 2007) Alice the Owl News – "Get an inside look into the life of Alice the Great Horned Owl, a permanently injured, human-imprinted owl," by Karla Kinstler in Houston, Minnesota (November 2004) Angela’s Birding Blog – by Angela Monette in Toronto, Ontario (January 2009) As the Mind Wanders – "Thoughts and images of family, birds, nature, and the life we lead," by Kyle in Texas (August 2008) Avimor Birding Blog – by Robert Mortenson in Idaho (July 2008) Bike-By Birding – "Reports from a self propelled birding big year around the San Francisco Bay area," by Andy in San Francisco, California (March 2008) Bird Nut’s Blog – "Adventures of a 14 year old birder," by The Roving Bird Nut in Las Vegas, New Mexico (January 2008) Bird Watch – "what birds can tell us about the world and ourselves," by Rob Butler in Vancouver, British Columbia (October 2008) Birding – by Sheridan in San Antonio, Texas (May 2008) Birding in Florida 2009 – "A review of three weeks birding based in Orlando, Florida, USA from 16 February to 9 March 2009," by Bob Wright in Spain (March 2009) Birding News and Features @ eBird – sponsored by Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Audubon (January 2007) Birding Travel – "Guide to birds and habitats," by John V. O’Neill in Kansas City (October 2007) Birdorable Blog – "the cutest birds on the wing," by Amy and Arthur in Illinois (January 2007) Birdwatch–Tucson Arizona – by Joan Gellatly in Tucson, Arizona (February 2009) Birdy on My Window – by Magpie and Rook (September 2008) Bob’s Birding Blog – "It’s a nerdy hobby, but it gets me outdoors, has the thrill of the hunt, and helps me appreciate the creations of God," by Robert Mortensen in Idaho (March 2009) βoingbird—Extreme Birdwatching – "news on bird conservation and extreme birdwatching," by Michael Clark in Montana (March 2009) California Condor Conservation – by Zoological Society of San Diego, California (January 2008) Caroline County MD Bird Club – "The oldest Eastern Shore chapter of Maryland Ornithological Society," by Caroline County Bird Club (August 2007) Cass County Birding Page – "A guide to birdwatching in Cass County," by Deep Portage Learning Center in Hackensack, Minnesota (January 2008) Colorado Field Ornithologists Photo Quiz – by Colorado Field Ornithologists (November 2008) Corvid Corner – all about corvids (September 2008) DaveA’s Birding Blog – "A great reason to get outside," by DaveABirding in Broomfield, Colorado (December 2008) ETN Birder – "Birding in east Tennessee and beyond," by ETN Birder in east Tennessee (November 2008) Macbirdersblog – by Mac in Bakersfield, California (February 2008) Placer County Big Year! – "A 2008 California birding adventure," by Deren Ross in Auburn, California (October 2007) Puffinpalooza – all about puffins (September 2008) Ruthven Park Nature Blog – in Cayuga, Ontario (March 2006) So Much Work, So Little Time..So Let’s Go Birding – by Chris B. in Tucson, Arizona (March 2008) The Birding Life – "Observations on birds, birding, and descriptions of the natural history adventures of a birding biologist/naturalist," by Vince Cavalieri in Stillwater, Oklahoma (January 2009)
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Monday, April 6, 2009
More North American Bird Blogs
I continue my never-ending search for blogs about birds, birding, and birders in North America. With the addition of these 31 blogs, the list of known active North American bird blogs has grown to 463.
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