The 75 species of butterflies attributed to Berrien County represent 5 families, 15 subfamilies, and 52 genera. In the following list, an asterisk (*) denotes a species documented from the county in Sherman Moore’s (1960) A revised annotated list of the butterflies of Michigan (.pdf), while a hat (^) denotes a species attributed to the county in Butterflies and moths of North America (BMNA). Species validity, taxonomy, and nomenclature were checked against the All-Leps North American checklist:
Family Hesperiidae (skippers):
Subfamily Pyrginae (spread-wing skippers):Achalarus lyciades, hoary edge*^ Epargyreus clarus, silver-spotted skipper*^ Erynnis brizo, sleepy duskywing*^ Erynnis icelus, dreamy duskywing^ Erynnis horatius, Horace’s duskywing*^ Erynnis juvenalis, Juvenal’s duskywing^ Pholisora catullus, common sootywing*^ Pyrgus communis, common checkered-skipper*^ Thorybes pylades, northern cloudywing^
Subfamily Hesperiinae (grass skippers):Family Lycaenidae (gossamer-wing butterflies):Anatrytone (=Atrytone) logan, Delaware skipper^ Ancyloxypha numitor, least skipper*^ Euphyes bimacula, two-spotted skipper^ Euphyes (=Atrytone) conspicua, black dash*^ Euphyes (=Atrytone) vestries (=ruricola), dun skipper^ Hesperia leonardus, Leonard’s skipper*^ Hylephila phyleus, fiery skipper^ Poanes hobomok, Hobomok skipper^ Poanes massasoit, mulberry wing*^ Poanes zabulon, Zabulon skipper^ Poanes viator, broad-winged skipper^ Polites peckius, Peck’s skipper*^ Polites origenes, crossline skipper^ Polites themistocles, tawny-edged skipper* Pompeius verna, little glassywing*^ Thymelicus lineola, European skipper^ Wallengrenia egeremet (=ortho), northern broken-dash*^
Subfamily Lycaeninae (coppers):Lycaena helloides, purplish copper^ Lycaena hyllus, bronze copper^ Lycaena phlaeas, American copper*^
Subfamily Theclinae (hairstreaks):Calycopis (=Strymon) cecrops, red-banded hairstreak*^ Satyrium (=Strymon) acadica, Acadian hairstreak*^ Satyrium (=Strymon) titus, coral hairstreak*^ Strymon melinus, gray hairstreak*^
Subfamily Polyommatinae (blues):Family Nymphalidae (brush-footed butterflies):Celastrina ladon/neglecta, spring/summer azure*^ # Cupido (=Everes) comyntas, eastern tailed blue*^
# Listed as Lycaenopsis argiolus (=Celastrina ladon) by Moore and Celastrina neglecta by BMNA. Because of confusion about the identity and geographic limits of these two taxa, they are here treated as a species complex.
Subfamily Apaturinae (emperors):Asterocampa clyton, tawny emperor^
Subfamily Danainae (milkweed butterflies):Danaus plexippus, monarch* ^
Subfamily Heliconiinae (fritillaries):Boloria selene, silver-border fritillary^ Euptoieta Claudia, variegated fritillary*^ Speyeria Aphrodite, Aphrodite fritillary*^ Speyeria cybele, great spangled fritillary*^ Speyeria idalia, regal fritillary*^
Subfamily Libytheinae (snouts):Libytheana carinenta, American snout^
Subfamily Limenitidinae (admirals and relatives):Limenitis arthemis, red-spotted purple*^ Limenitis archippus, viceroy*^
Subfamily Nymphalinae (crescents, checkerspots, anglewings, etc.):Aglais (=Nymphalis) milbertii, Milbert’s tortoiseshell*^ Euphydryas phaeton, Baltimore checkerspot^ Junonia (=Precis) coenia, common buckeye*^ Nymphalis antiopa, mourning cloak*^ Phyciodes tharos, pearl crescent*^ Polygonia comma, eastern comma* Polygonia interrogationis, question mark*^ Vanessa atalanta, red admiral*^ Vanessa cardui, painted lady^ Vanessa virginiensis, American lady*^
Subfamily Satyrinae (satyrs and wood-nymphs):Family Papilionidae (swallowtails):Cercyonis pegala, common wood nymph*^ Megisto (=Euptychia) cymela, little wood satyr*^ Neonympha (=Euptychia) mitchellii, Mitchell’s satyr*^ Satyrodes Appalachia, Appalachian brown^ Satyrodes Eurydice, eyed brown^
Subfamily Papilioninae (swallowtails):Family Pieridae (whites and sulphurs):Battus philenor, pipevine swallowtail^ Eurytides (=Papilio) marcellus, zebra swallowtail*^ Papilio cresphontes, giant swallowtail*^ Papilio glaucus, eastern tiger swallowtail*^ Papilio polyxenes, black swallowtail*^ Papilio troilus, spicebush swallowtail*^
Subfamily Pierinae (whites):Euchloe olympia, Olympia marble*^ Pieris rapae, cabbage white*^ Pontia protodice, checkered white*^
Subfamily Coliadinae (sulphurs):Colias eurytheme, orange sulphur^ Colias philodice, clouded sulphur*^ Nathalis iole, dainty sulphur^ Pyrisitia lisa, little yellow^ Zerene (=Colias) cesonia, southern dogface*^
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